Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I can very vividly recall times in the past when I felt overwhelmed or depressed or upset. I can remember feeling as if life had become sort of pointless—walking around and suddenly being struck with the thought: “How did I get here? Why am I doing this? What is this all for?”

“Is this my life?”

In the past, I’m sure I called my mom. I’m sure I called my mom and just sighed in her ear or complained about something someone said or did. And maybe she said something to make me feel better…and maybe she didn’t. But I still called and she still answered.

You don’t realize—even when you’re feeling your worst—that it always gets better. And before you go thinking that this is a positive post, let me add: it always gets better until somebody essential to you dies.

And then it doesn’t, really. It doesn’t ever get as good as it could, because she’s never going to pick up the phone again. Be it good news or bad, she won’t ever be there to receive it with joy or brush it off with wisdom ever again.

And is this my life?